Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Gooseberry jelly

I'm back, been a bit busy!!!!

So here is a quick one

2 quarts gooseberries
3 pints water
1 lb sugar to every pint of juice

Jessie does assume a level of skill as there is no method to make it, just make as you would any other jelly. Cook the gooseberries and water until cooked, suspend in muslin, over night.  Do not push the mix through or you will get cloudy jelly.....and no one wants that!
Discard the pulp, measure the liquid, add sugar, boil until setting is achieved.  pour into sterilised jars.


  1. Sounds jumy, don't think I've had gooseberry jelly before. Remember bottled gooseberries sitting in the jars on the top shelf of the pantry.
    S xx

  2. Your sister took me to your blog. You have some great recipes. Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo

      the majority are my grandmas but I will be adding some of my own as I go on. Some my own recipes and some of my favourites.

  3. I'm popping over from Jessie's needle and already I've found lots here that I want to try. Good luck with your blog. I hope that it takes off soon.
    Rosie xx

    1. thanks Rosie

      Of course not every recipe is edible in my grandmas book, there's a treat coming up soon.

