Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Gingerbread (DEP)

I can see a pattern emerging, and it appears to be Ginger!!

2 breakfastcupsfullof flour
1 breakfastcupfullof sugar
2 teaspoonful of ginger
1 tablespoonful butter (well rubbed in)
2 tablespoonful treacle
1 egg - well beaten
1 teacupful milk
1 teasp cab soda dissolved in a tablespoon boiling water should be added at the last minute
Beat the mixture well for 8 minutes
Bake in a moderate oven for 25 or 30 minutes

I am writing these recipes exactly how they are written in my Grandmas book, I cant help but wonder if breakfast cups were all a universal size, and what does DEP stand for?

1 comment:

  1. I've looked up DEP on the web and can find nothing, so no idea.

